In an unusual move, Nintendo has announced not one, but two upcoming Maximus Cups heading to Tetris 99 before the close of 2023. First up is the WarioWare: Move It! themed 37th cup, which will begin this Thursday, November 30, and end on Monday, December 4, 2023. You can see what the theme looks like in this trailer:
Nintendo followed up this announcement… with another announcement, this time for the 38th Maximus Cup. That cup will revolve around the wonderful (see what we’re doing here?) Super Mario Bros. Wonder. That cup will begin December 14 and will conclude on December 18, 2023. Here’s the announcement:
The #Tetris99 38th MAXIMUS CUP event will run from 12/14 at 11:00pm PT to 12/18 at 10:59pm PT!
Once you’ve accumulated a total of 100 event points, a new theme will unlock, featuring art, music, and Tetrimino designs inspired by #SuperMarioBrosWonder! @Tetris_Official
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) November 28, 2023
We’ll be sure to give you a fresh reminder when the Wonder cup begins. As is typically the case, those of you who would like to participate in these two competitions will need to have an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription. In order to permanently unlock either theme for in-game use after their respective Maximus Cup concludes, you’ll need to earn 100 event points before the deadline. Are you excited for these two themes? Let us know in the comments and on social media!
Source: Nintendo of America YouTube Channel and X Account