The next movie based on Nintendo’s successful multimedia franchise, Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, is set for release later this year in North America and Europe, and the event will be celebrated with a free give-away of the film’s star Pokémon: Vlocanion. Those of you with Pokémon X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and/or Omega Ruby will be able to acquire the legendary monster with a code given away at retailers, with GameStop having been confirmed.
Volcanion is a unique Pokémon thanks to the fact it is a Fire- and Water-type, so it combines two opposing elements. The particular Pokémon we’ll be able to get, which is level 70, has a move-set that reflects these elements: it consists of Explosion, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, and Steam Eruption. Volcanion also has the Water Absorb ability, which restores a quarter of Volcanion’s health when it’s hit by a Water-type attack.
You’ll be able to get Volcanion later this year in October. In the meantime, check the monster out in the latest trailer for the new film above.
Source: Siliconera