Unlike most current-gen consoles, the Nintendo Switch has been exclusively about games since its release. While PS4, Xbox One and Wii U all featured streaming services, internet browsers and even news apps, the Switch was slow to embrace anything other than games. That seems to be at an end, however! Nintendo has announced that Hulu will be the first streaming service on Nintendo Switch, and the app is set for release later today!
The Switch’s portability makes it a great candidate for streaming services. The system’s ability to not only bring games like Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild on the go, but also movies and TV shows, will only help to solidify Switch as the best portable gadget on the market. It was important for Nintendo to establish the system early on as a viable platform for gaming in order to compete with other consoles. Now that some time has passed since the system’s launch and Nintendo has proven software can sell on Switch, the addition of some strong apps could also push it as a viable alternative to tablets, as well!
As of this writing, Hulu is yet to go live on Switch, but hopefully services like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon won’t be far behind!
Source: Nintendo