Final Fight is one of the most beloved brawler series ever made. Developed by Capcom, its colorful cast of characters have been ripe with story potential for years, and now finally that potential will be realized this summer. Written by Matt Moylan with art by Matt Weldon, UDON will launch Final Fight, a four-issue limited series, beginning July of 2024. Here’s a look at some of the covers:
The Mad Gear Gang has infested Metro City for years! But after they kidnap the mayor’s daughter, three heroes arise to clean up the streets once and for all! Cody Travers, bad boy street brawler! Guy, Bushinryu ninja master! And Mike Haggar, pro-wrestler-turned-mayor of Metro City! Bring a pocket full of quarters and prepare for non-stop fist-flinging action in this mini-series based on the king of Capcom beat-em-ups!
Final Fight #1 is available for pre-order right now. You can either head to the UDON website directly to get your orders in, or you can hit up your local comic shop and they’ll order it for you. UDON continues to do some awesome, fun stuff with the Capcom licenses it has, and this writer has a lot of optimism that the publisher will do something as fun with Final Fight as it continues to do with Street Fighter.
If the Free taste in SFvsFF wasn’t enough: GOOD NEWS! FINAL FIGHT #1 drops this July at comic shops EVERYWHERE! Pre-order now:
— UDON Entertainment (@UdonEnt) May 6, 2024
If you’re itching to see how UDON handles Final Fight right now, the Free Comic Book offering from the publisher this year was Street Fighter vs. Final Fight #1. Definitely track it down and add the comic to your collection before snagging Final Fight #1 in July.
Source: UDON Entertainment X Account