Twilight Princess HD Amiibo Functions Revealed

Wolf Link isn’t the only Amiibo getting in on the action.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 01/19/2016 20:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

The revelation of the Wolf Link and Midna Amiibo alongside The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD immediately had people wondering what role the new figure would play in the game. Thanks to Famitsu, Japan’s premiere gaming magazine, we now have a better of what it, and all the other Zelda Amiibo, will do.

First, owners of the Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik, and Ganondorf Amiibo will be happy to learn these figures will have an impact on the HD remake. Both versions of Link will refill arrows, Sheik and Zelda will refill hearts, and Ganondorf will actually increase the amount of damage Link takes. The figures can only be used once per day so they shouldn’t break the game too badly, though there is still the chance Ganondorf might break you.

As for Wolf Link, it will have several significant features. Though little has been said about this feature, it is known that the Amiibo will allow some sort of information from Twilight Princess HD to be carried over to the upcoming Zelda sequel for Wii U, though what exactly that is remains a mystery. What is better known in is that the Amiibo will unlock what Famitsu calls “Thorough Battle: Trial of the Beast.” Whether this a new dungeon or some sort of challenge mode remains to be seen, but beating it will unlock the Bottomless Wallet as an upgrade to the Giant Wallet, which will increase your rupee holding ability from 1,000 to 9,999. As an extra bonus, you’ll apparently also be able to use Wolf Link to recover hearts, though the healing capacity is based on how many hearts you have left after beating Trial of the Beast.

All of this news has me even more excited for Twilight Princess HD, but the most interesting thing remains how Wolf Link will link (no pun intended) this remake with the new Zelda for Wii U. Hopefully we’ll learn more about that in the near future, because few things are more painful than waiting for new Zelda games.

Source: Nintendo Everything

3 Responses to “Twilight Princess HD Amiibo Functions Revealed”

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    But the biggest question remains unanswered: What will the Linkle Amiibo do? Just kidding :)

    To be honest the Amiibo implementation in TPHD has me feeling underwhelmed. However at the end of the day I’m just excited to have an HD version of this game on the horizon. Wolf Link’s inclusion in the bundle is a nice bonus, regardless of whether I actually ever tap it on the Gamepad’s NFC sensor or not. It will probably just look nice on my shelf.

    I do understand the frustration of the additional “cost” for entering the “Trial of the Beast” for those who couldn’t care less about Amiibo. I agree with other comments that it should be made available as free/cheap DLC in the near future.

    Still interested in how/what the Wolf Link Amiibo will carry over to Zelda-U.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Sigh. I’m looking forward to playing this, but I’m not a fan of the Amiibo implementation. It’s so… basic. Wolf Link stuff sounds cool, though. I wish they’d make it so you could change Link’s tunic color without having all the gimmicks attached, like in Ocarina. Ocarina was great because I could play dress-up without having to content with ugly helmets and Rupee limitations.

    • 1597 points
      penduin says...

      Tangent: are you enjoying the optional fashion gear in Xenoblade Chronicles X? When I first saw that, as well as the “render/hide head gear” display option, I couldn’t understand who that was for. Turns out it was for me; I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit “playing dress-up” with the game’s many playable characters. I’ve even used less powerful but cooler-looking weaponry from time to time. I think there might be something wrong with me. :^)

      Back to the point, I’m not super-stoked about the game’s amiibo functionality either, but it reminds me a little of the ‘Cube Wind Waker’s Tingle Tuner functionality, which makes it hard to be too grumpy about.

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