Wii U Was Target’s Biggest Online Seller on Black Friday

Bundles help push stronger sales.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 11/30/2015 11:30 2 Comments     ShareThis

The holiday season has always been good to Nintendo, with the company making the majority of its yearly profits in the final quarter of the year. This year seems to be no exception, as Black Friday apparently saw very strong sales for Wii U.

According to Target, Nintendo’s current console was its number one online seller on Black Friday. Official numbers are currently unavailable, but Nintendo’s “Smash Splat” bundle (which was discounted to $249.99 at the retailer) likely helped lead to strong sales. Other retailers had the system available at a similar price point (though some had the system at $279.99), so it will be interesting to see if they also saw similarly strong numbers.

Nintendo wasn’t the only success story for the industry on Black Friday, however. Sony’s PlayStation 4 continued to dominate, with a recent study showing that the system was the number one selling console on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. These sales were not apparently to the detriment of Nintendo, but rather to Microsoft, who saw a decline in interest from the millennial age group.

While many have been quick to write off the console since the company first began talking about the NX, it’s encouraging to see that Wii U’s strong lineup is starting to attract more buyers. Three years into its lifespan, the console has seen a number of strong exclusives, and there are still plenty more on the horizon. Hopefully 2016 releases such as Star Fox Zero and The Legend of Zelda will help to continue that trend.

Source: Target

2 Responses to “Wii U Was Target’s Biggest Online Seller on Black Friday”

  • 459 points
    Drew Ciccotelli says...

    The Wii U has sold more than the Xbox One. I rarely see that mentioned.

  • 0 points

    Take that, Sony Ponies. There was a lot of butthurt on other websites about this, which was hilarious. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care what system I play what on, because I like games. Of course though, Nintendo first party games have staying power and are the best made. The quality they put into their stuff is second to none, unlike certain games like Fallout 4 that are released with “issues.” I was happy to see the Wii U get some press. Awesome.

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