As you might have heard, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is launching on May 12. That’s only a couple of months away, so if you have yet to play the game’s precursor, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, well… there’s still time! Arguably enough to get through Breath of the Wild and be ready for Tears of the Kingdom. Seemingly anticipating a resurgence of interest in Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has opted to throw fans a freebie from the game’s Explorer’s Edition.
The Explorer’s Edition of Breath of the Wild is version of the game that was sold with a small paper guidebook. That guidebook has been converted into a PDF that fans can download for themselves at this link. The guide is very informative, outlining all sorts of information that newbie players (and potentially even veteran players) that will help them get their feet wet in the world of Hyrule without spoiling any of the story.
Source: Website