Over the weekend, the Ace Attorney anime aired its first episode in Japan. Fans living in the west may have to wait some time for an English dub, but those that don’t mind subtitles can catch it now!
The streaming service Crunchyroll will add each episode of the anime shortly after they air on Saturdays in Japan. Crunchyroll can be streamed on Wii U, but the anime is only available to service subscribers. Fans on the fence can check out the opening sequence for the anime, which we’ve embedded below!
The first episode of the anime series is based on the first case from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Fans may recall that Phoenix was tasked with proving the innocence of Larry Butz, an old friend accused of murdering Cindy Stone, Butz’s ex-girlfriend. Fans shouldn’t get too attached to those names if they plan on watching the show, however. The subtitles use the Japanese names for each of the characters, so Phoenix will actually go by Naruhodo Ryuichi. Crunchyroll is currently testing another set of subtitles that use the western names of each character, though it’s unclear whether this option can only be accessed through Crunchyroll’s website, and not the Wii U app.
Have you checked out Ace Attorney‘s first episode? If so, let us know what you thought of the show in the comments below!
Source: Siliconera