Nintendo has been ramping up the release of details about Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon recently, but what appears to be a surprisingly significant detail has come from an equally surprising source. Team Rocket, the villainous group of monster thieves from the first two Pokémon generations, appear to be returning. The info comes from a couple screenshots in the corner of some packaging.
In Japan, retailers are already receiving shipments of the cards containing the download codes for digital versions of the games, and they happen to include some revealing screenshots. One version of the game has a small shot showing what looks like a male Team Rocket member, while the other features a female member. It was already revealed that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon would feature an alternate story to last year’s versions, but it’s hard to tell what role Team Rocket will play when all we have to work with is a couple screenshots of characters.
Thankfully we won’t have to wait too long for details. Even if Nintendo chooses not to release more official news on the games, they come out on November 17 so, one way or another, we’ll have our answers in less than a month.
Source: Nintendo Everything