Rumors have been swirling of late about the return of Team Rocket in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Outside of the anime and TCG, the evil organization hasn’t been seen since the days of Pokémon Gold and Silver, so fans were clearly excited by the prospect of the Rockets returning. Today, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company revealed that not only will Team Rocket return in the upcoming title, they’ll also have some friends accompanying them, this time around!
Team Rainbow Rocket is an evil organization led by Giovanni and comprised of team leaders from previous Pokémon generations! The former leader of Team Rocket claimed to turn over a new leaf at the end of the first Pokémon generation, but some old habits die hard, apparently! The game’s newest trailer showcases a number of other old enemies, including Team Galactic’s Ghetsis, Team Aqua’s Archie and more! Still no sign of Jessie and James, but perhaps the bumbling duo will finally make their own return to the franchise for the first time since Yellow!
Team Rainbow Rocket’s machinations in the Alola region remain to be seen, but this is certainly an exciting development for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! Let us know what you think of this development in the comments below!
Source: The Pokémon Company