Nintendo initially positioned the Switch as a revolutionary console that blurred the line between dedicated handheld and home console. Now, a recent Ars Technica interview with Doug Bowser, Nintendo’s Senior Vice President for Sales and Marketing, suggests that the company may have hit the nail squarely on the head in anticipating exactly what their audience wanted from a Nintendo console.
According to Bowser, Switch owners play the console in equal parts handheld and docked — the split is “about even — about 50 percent in the dock and 50 percent away from the dock.” The undocked time includes both handheld and tabletop modes, as Nintendo currently doesn’t monitor which of those two modes a player uses at a given time.

Bowser also explained how Nintendo has collected this data:
“One of the nice things we’ve seen with the Switch is we’re able to read more telemetry data in how players are engaging with the content. We get that when they connect, if they have a Nintendo account we have the ability to understand how they’re engaging with the device… From a positioning standpoint, we can look at various titles and how they’re being played. That allows us to think about various ways with digital marketing and some of our videos to know how to position them.”
It’s probably safe to say that Nintendo feels extremely vindicated in presenting this data, not to mention pretty darn proud of themselves for creating a console that, evidently, spoke exactly to what consumers wanted.
In what mode do you primarily use your Switch: handheld or docked?
Source: Nintendo Life