Super Nintendo World Officially Announced for Universal Studios Japan

The theme park addition has a name and potential layout!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 12/12/2016 20:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

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Recently, news surrounding Nintendo’s collaboration with Universal Parks has seemed to arrive at an impressive clip. This morning, Universal Studios Japan released even more information, including a name for the park section, as well as some conceptual art! The Nintendo-centric section of the park will be known as Super Nintendo World, and the current focus seems to largely center on the Mario family of characters.


That wasn’t the only news to trickle in, however! A pair of recent ride patents from Universal sound strikingly similar to Mario Kart and the mine cart rides from the Donkey Kong Country franchise! At this point, there’s no way of knowing for sure if these are for Nintendo-related rides, but the drawings that accompanied the patents certainly make the entire thing seem plausible! Both franchises would be excellent choices to base rides around, regardless.


Fans of other Nintendo franchises shouldn’t worry that the sole focus will be on Mario. It’s still likely that other franchises will also take center stage at the park. Nintendo’s partnership with Universal is part of a larger attempt by the company to sell their characters to a larger audience. It certainly seems to be the kind of thing that will endear fans old and new alike, and Nintendo will likely take advantage by pushing as many franchises as possible.

Source: Nintendo Everything

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