Super Mario Odyssey is the gift that keeps on giving. Besides already being a spectacular game stuffed with content, it’s also a conduit for new modes and content. Luigi’s Balloon Adventure recently brought an entire new hide-and-seek mode that’s a great deal of fun. Now, there are some spiffy, fresh costumes for Mario to don in his latest adventure.
Released as part of a free update, Mario can now wear the Satellaview and Baseball outfits for a nominal in-game fee apiece. Give them a look:
The Satellaview costume is comprised of the Satellaview Helmet and Suit, which sell for a combined 1,000 coins. Meanwhile, the Baseball costume is made up of the Batting Helmet and Baseball Uniform and also sells for a cumulative total of 1,500 coins.
The latter is a pretty universally known look (who doesn’t love baseball?), but the former might be a bit on the obscure side for the average fan. Satellaview is a peripheral service that Nintendo offered to SNES owners in Japan. It allowed for satellite (thus the name) connectivity for the console and access to exclusive downloadable games from the service. You can read more about it and other old-school Nintendo attempts at online services in this article we published a while back!
Will you be downloading these free costumes? Share with us in the comments and on social media!
Source: Nintendo