Super Mario Maker 3DS Might Have Amiibo Support

Nintendo lists and then de-lists title as featuring Amiibo support.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 11/09/2016 12:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Super Mario Maker

While many gamers are no doubt excited to be getting Super Mario Maker for 3DS, it was somewhat disappointing to learn how a lot of the features present in the Wii U version wouldn’t be making their way to the handheld. However, it now appears that the 3DS game might end up supporting Amiibo figures.

Nintendo’s website listing Amiibo compatible games was recently updated with Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Maker for 3DS under the list of upcoming titles. That seemed to confirm the feature, but the site has since been updated to remove Super Mario Maker. This could mean that maybe the game will not support Amiibo, or the Nintendo isn’t ready to discuss the feature.


If Super Mario Maker for 3DS does support Amiibo, it will be interesting to see what form it will take. Nintendo already announced that the handheld title won’t have the Mystery Mushrooms from the Wii U version that allowed gamers to use Amiibo to unlock alternate costumes/character sprites.

Source: Siliconera

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