Over the last year or so, a number of sleek steelbook cases have been released for games on Switch, from major releases such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Pokémon: Let’s Go to indie titles like Giga Wrecker Alt. and Celeste. As such, it doesn’t come as a gigantic surprise to see that Super Mario Maker 2 will also receive a similar release, as well.
The steelbook has only been announced for Europe, thus far. It’s one of a handful of preorder incentives available on the Nintendo UK store. Fans can snag the steelbook, a pad and pencil set or an Acorn Plains Super Mario diorama. All of these options also include a stylus for use with the game.
Hopefully the steelbook and stylus will both release in North America, as well. Stay tuned to Nintendojo for more information on Super Mario Maker 2 as it develops!
Source: Nintendo Everything