Summer Game Fest: LEGO Horizon Adventures Coming to Switch

Yes, it is based on PlayStation’s Horizon series!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 06/08/2024 13:27 1 Comment     ShareThis

Well, that’s a plot twist. If you’re a fan of the Distinguished Competition Sony PlayStation, you’ll likely be aware of the Horizon series of games. In a bit of a double surprise, not only is there going to be a LEGO spin-off in the form of LEGO Horizon Adventures, but that game will also be coming… to Nintendo Switch! You can see the announcement, below:

A Sony property on Nintendo hardware? Are we sure this isn’t Microsoft? All kidding aside, it’s rather fascinating to see Sony making nice with Nintendo like this. Here’s a bit more about the game from PlayStation itself:

In a distant future, the land is made of LEGO bricks and incredible dinosaur-like machines roam the Earth. Aloy, the game’s leading hero, is found in a cave as a baby and raised by a grizzled huntsman called Rost, who teaches her the way of the wilds. One day, Aloy embarks on a quest to discover her true destiny. Guided by a thousand-year-old hologram of a scientist called Elisabet, Aloy must confront Helis, the leader of a group of sun worshipers who bow to an Ancient Evil shrouded in mystery. There’s much more in store for Aloy and her friends, as their adventure sends them across the tallest mountains and deepest cauldrons — all beautifully recreated in LEGO elements.

LEGO Horizon Adventures will be coming to Switch during the 2024 holiday season.

Source: Summer Game Fest 2024 Presentation

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