Nintendo has given fans a lot to be excited for in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but last week’s surprise reveal of Banjo and Kazooie as playable characters truly took the internet by storm. While longtime fans were understandably enthused, the creator of the characters seemed to be every bit as happy with the announcement. In a recent interview with Video Games Chronicle, Steve Mayles shared his feelings about Nintendo’s E3 Direct presentation.
“It was just mind-blowing, there’s no other word for it really. I just couldn’t take it in. I had to watch the reveal later in the day about 10 or 20 times just to take in everything that was going on. It was just really surreal.”
In addition to Banjo and Kazooie, Mayles is also responsible for the creation of King K. Rool, another character making his debut in this iteration of Smash.
“It’s just surreal to see these characters I made 20, well more than 20 years ago in some cases, and they’re back in high resolution looking as I originally created them. It’s just strange but awesome at the same time.”
Mayles’ comments about the characters appearing “as I originally created them” are notable, as Banjo and Kazooie saw a bit of a redesign in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bots. Ultimate eschews that look in favor of something a bit more in keeping with the original Nintendo 64 games.

With just two more DLC fighters left to reveal in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass, it will be interesting to see if the next characters are as universally well-received as Banjo and Kazooie!
Source: Video Games Chronicle