Star Fox Zero Steals the Spotlight in the Nintendo Digital Event

Coming to Wii U this holiday season!

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 06/16/2015 11:45 5 Comments     ShareThis

Star Fox is back and it looks better than ever as Star Fox Zero is set to arrive on Wii U this Holiday season! The newest entry in the series is a collaborative effort between Nintendo and Platinum Games, a company that has expressed interest in developing Star Fox as early as 2013.

Star Fox Zero takes place during the time of Star Fox 64, but it isn’t a remake or a direct sequel to that game, hence the use of the word Zero in the title. Many of the same voice actors will be reprising their roles and classic Star Fox gameplay elements, such as on-rails segments and all-range mode dog fights, will return in the game.

The Wii U GamePad will display a first person cockpit view and the television will display a third person view of the surrounding area. Players can take advantage of the cockpit view by aiming with the GamePad’s gyroscope while the third person view can help the player maneuver around the environment.

The Arwing can also transform into other kinds of vehicles with a simple press of a button. Most notably, the Arwing can transform into The Walker, a land vehicle that only made its appearance in the cancelled Star Fox 2 for SNES. The Arwing can also transform into the Landmaster, another land vehicle from Star Fox 64 resembling a tank, and the Gyrowing, a helicopter that can deploy a robot to access small areas. The Gyrowing was previously shown behind closed doors during E3 2014, making this the first time its been revealed to the public.

I can’t believe how good this game looks. As a long time Star Fox fan that has been waiting for a series revival, Star Fox Zero looks like it will make all of my dreams come true. Are you as excited as I am? Check out the embedded video and let us know what you think in the comments!

Source: Nintendo Digital Event

5 Responses to “Star Fox Zero Steals the Spotlight in the Nintendo Digital Event”

  • 81 points
    Anthony Pelone says...

    Did anyone see Titania on the Treehouse Stream? Absolutely stunning.

    I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Digital Event, but I’m beyond baffled by the ill reception to this. The clean artstyle is reminiscent of a playset (perfect for a Thunderbirds-inspired setting!), the vehicles look to be a joy to play with, and Platinum’s involved! I’m also glad to see I was correct with the “reboot” direction (as expected, SF643D paved the way to that).

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    This looks to be everything I could hope for from a Star Fox game – I was grinning ear to ear during the entire reveal. It looks like they’ve completely nailed the dual viewports, and having Platinum add some over-the-top magic looks to be a great fit.

    I’m so glad the transforming from Star Fox 2 is finally happening! The off-the-beaten-path coins/medals are a nice nod too.

  • 784 points
    Marc Deschamps says...

    While Nintendo’s digital event was a bit underwhelming, anyone that’s unimpressed by Star Fox Zero is crazy. It looks beautiful. I can’t wait.

  • 21 points
    Dreadkong says...

    Stunning I can say. I think this gives Star Fox the treatment it deserves. It seems it’s a blast to play with the new mechanics of the game pad, and you can do lots of cool stuff. Waiting for this. But I wonder… Will Nintendo abandon it’s beautiful system after this games? It hurts to think that, 3 years of support isn’t enough at all

  • 75 points
    Robert Palacios says...

    I’m pretty sure the hate is coming from disappointment with the lack of Wii U titles and a proper Metroid/Zelda/Animal Crossing.

    It looks great and I’m sure it’s going to be loads of fun!

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