Sonic Central: DC Comics and Sonic Crossover Set for 2025

Shadow as Batman? Sonic as the Flash?!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 09/24/2024 12:19 Comment on this     ShareThis

Sonic is about to join up with DC’s legendary pantheon of superheroes. In 2025, DC Comics and Sonic the Hedgehog will cross over for the first time with a new limited series hitting comic book shops. So far, fans have gotten glimpses of Shadow as Batman, Sonic as The Flash and Amy Rose as Wonder Woman.

During this past weekend as DC Comics celebrated its annual Batman day holiday, there was a glimpse of what’s to come in the crossover in the form of a brief teaser trailer. This animation, which is in the video above, was apparently just a glimpse of what the project has to offer.

Besides the five-issue comic book series, SEGA and DC-parent company Warner Bros. will also be putting out a range of tie-in merchandise featuring these unique hero mashups. This will include apparel, toys, and more besides. Be on the lookout for all of this stuff come next year.

Source: Sonic Central Broadcast 09.24.24

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