SNK NEO GEO Arcade Stick Pro Detailed

It’s a retro console and a fight stick!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 09/25/2019 18:15 1 Comment     ShareThis

SNK’s NEO GEO Mini has been one of the bright spots in the burgeoning world of retro video game consoles, but in a surprising (and pleasing) move, the company isn’t quite done with making new hardware. SNK recently announced its upcoming NEO GEO Arcade Stick Pro will be bringing a unique hybrid controller/console to the market! The system can be used as both an arcade fight stick for NEO GEO Mini as well as its own standalone system with preinstalled games.

Here’s the list of 20 titles that will be installed in the console:

  • The King of Fighters ’95
  • The King of Fighters ’97
  • The King of Fighters ’98
  • The King of Fighters ’99
  • The King of Fighters 2000
  • The King of Fighters 2002
  • Fatal Fury Special
  • Fatal Fury 3
  • Garou: Mark of the Wolves
  • Samurai Shodown Ⅱ
  • Samurai Shodown Ⅲ
  • Samurai Shodown IV
  • Samurai Shodown Ⅴ Special
  • Art of Fighting
  • World Heroes 2
  • World Heroes 2 JET
  • World Heroes Perfect
  • Ninja Master’s
  • The Last Blade 2
  • Kizuna Encounter

SNK says there’s no word yet on pricing or a release date, but to expect that there might be differences between regions. The system itself is a controller which can be plugged in via HDMI cable in order to be played on a screen. What’s more, NEO GEO Mini consoles (which are miniature arcade cabinets featuring arcade sticks) and Pads can both be plugged into an Arcade Stick Pro so that multiple people can play at once. Which… sounds like it could pose some possible logistical problems if one person is holding the Arcade Stick Pro while other people are jacked into it at the same time.

Regardless, this is more good news for retro enthusiasts. It’s a notably fighting game heavy lineup, but there are some quality titles on offer in this set of 20 games. We’ll update as soon as more information about the NEO GEO Arcade Stick Pro is revealed. Are you looking forward to getting one? Share with us in the comments and on social media!

Source: NEO GEO Arcade Stick Pro Website 

One Response to “SNK NEO GEO Arcade Stick Pro Detailed”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    That button arrangement … just … why?!
    Also, no Magician Lord.

    So, in terms we’re all familiar with, imagine a SNES mini with backwards, upside-down buttons, and no Super Mario World.

    Seriously the buttons. The shape would have been perfect for the iconic and lovely four-finger ABCD arrangement, but no. On their site they even show it right next to the one acceptable layout if they insist on not having the buttons in a row… Just … I can’t facepalm loudly enough.

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