Following the recent rumors of Microsoft bringing select games to other platforms, CEO Phil Spencer has finally spoken up. Spencer issued a statement on X that there’s an upcoming “business update.”
“We’re listening and we hear you. We’ve been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.”
Recently, rumors started running rampant that certain Xbox exclusives such as Starfield and Hi-Fi Rush could be making their way to other platforms, including Switch. Sources inside Microsoft claim that part of the “vision for the future of Xbox,” according to senior editor Tom Warren at The Verge, is a new “multiplatform” approach.
We’re not quite sure what select games will be coming to Nintendo Switch, but we’re certainly excited to hear further details. So far it has all been rumors with unofficial announcements, but something big is definitely coming our way. Especially since Microsoft has been hinting that it wants to make its games more accessible in the past.
There could be several possibilities with Microsoft making a change of course. What do you think is about to happen? Let us know in the comments.
Source: The Verge