Nintendo 64 Classic Banjo-Kazooie Launches Tomorrow on Switch

Available to active subscribers of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 01/19/2022 21:50 1 Comment     ShareThis

This past December we learned that Banjo-Kazooie, the classic Nintendo 64 platformer from developer Rare, would be coming to Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscribers this month. The only thing we didn’t know was when. Well, the wait is over: Banjo-Kazooie will be launching tomorrow, January 20. Here’s the launch trailer:

For longtime fans the sight of Banjo-Kazooie on a Nintendo system once more is truly something to appreciate. The loss of Rare to Microsoft back in 2o02 was a hard pill to swallow. Now, 20 years later, the bear and bird are getting a proper homecoming on Switch. This version of the game boasts an enhanced resolution compared to the N64 original, although as has been widely noted by fans across the web, Switch Online’s N64 emulation is a tad spotty. We’ll check in and see how the game runs on our end and get back to you all, but until then let us know what you think about the return of Banjo-Kazooie down in the comments!

Source: Nintendo of America Twitter Page

One Response to “Nintendo 64 Classic Banjo-Kazooie Launches Tomorrow on Switch”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    This makes me glad that I mooch off a friend’s NSO family account. It looks and plays beautifully, and there’s a specific gaming itch that only an N64 collectathon can scratch. What I really want is the Rare Replay collection on Switch, but this is something!

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