Metal Sonic Statue From First 4 Figures Now Available for Pre-Order

He’s back and sleeker than ever!

By Anna Godfrey. Posted 01/13/2025 09:03 Comment on this     ShareThis

A statue of metal sonic from First 4 Figures. The statue depicts metal sonic standing menacingly atop rubble, reminiscent of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II.

Metal Sonic is back in his iconic design! First 4 Figures recently unveiled their design for a Metal Sonic statue, complete with a base themed after the roller coaster fight from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. A preview of the statue can be seen below, and the store page can be found here.

The statue comes in three varying editions; Standard, Exclusive and Definitive. These different versions come with slight differences, including LED lights for accenting and separate arms for different ways to pose the statue. The statues are expected to release at the start of 2026, and have a slight discount for the next month. Are you interested in this collector’s item? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: First 4 Figures

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