Digital Eclipse, a studio known for its excellent ports of retro video games which was recently acquired by Atari, is preparing to announce the next installment of its Gold Master Series. The reveal will happen on December 6 at the Day of the Devs: The Game Awards Edition 2023.
It’s almost here! The next installment in our #GoldMasterSeries will be unveiled during the @DayoftheDevs The Game Awards Edition 2023 digital showcase on Dec 6!
Then, play it yourself at the Dec 8 event in Los Angeles! Get your free tickets here:
— Digital Eclipse (@DigitalEclipse) November 30, 2023
The Gold Master Series is a line of interactive documentaries that explore the gaming world’s greatest content creators and creations. Each installments sets focus on one specific game to explore the designers and the development of their retro classic games. The first launched back in August 2023, kicking off the series by exploring The Making of Karateka, which was an Apple II release from 1984 that eventually made its way to Famicom.
Which retro classic game do you think will be announced next?
Source: Digital Eclipse X Account