In case it slipped past your radar, Contra is making, well, another comeback. After the abortive Contra: Rogue Corps launched to a tepid response from fans and critics alike back in 2020 and failed to reinvigorate the series, the brand has been on ice ever since. Now, Konami has partnered with developer WayForward to hopefully give the series the proper revival it deserves.
So far, it’s looking like Contra: Operation Galuga is exactly the sort of game fans have been waiting for since Contra 4 (also developed by WayForward) hit Nintendo DS in 2007 and Contra ReBirth launched on Nintendo Wii in 2009. A true, classic style Contra adventure, although in this case with modernized 3D graphics playing on a 2D plane. You can see the latest trailer for the game right here:
Here’s a bit more about Operation Galuga from its product page on the Nintendo website:
A new entry in the legendary Contra series is here! Contra: Operation Galuga is a thorough reimagining of the classic run-‘n’-gun action game from the ’80s, featuring modern graphics and sound, new stages, new enemies and bosses, new play mechanics, an updated weapons system, and explosive co-op combat for up to two players in Story Mode or four players in Arcade Mode!
As the above blurb notes, Operation Galuga is a total reimagining of the original NES Contra. Operation Galuga features additional characters (Lucia, Ariana, Stanley Ironside, and Probotector) not found in the first game, as well. Where Contra Rogue Corps suffered from deviating way too far from the Contra run-n-gun formula, WayForward appears to be steering things back to a more traditional, classic take. Hopefully when Operation Galuga launches in early 2024 it will be a triumphant reinvigoration of a truly classic video game series.
Source: Konami YouTube Channel