BlizzCon Skipping 2024

Blizzard’s event hopes to return in the future.

By Anna Godfrey. Posted 05/23/2024 08:53 Comment on this     ShareThis

A picture of the outside of Blizzcon, Blizzard's convention. There are prominently features images of Blizzard properties, like Hearthstone, Overwatch and more.

Blizzard recently announced that its annual convention BlizzCon will not be held this year. While the event itself may not be held, Blizzard promises that further announcements will come through other events such as Gamescom. Looking ahead, Blizzard also hopes for the event to make a return in the future.

BlizzCon cancellations are nothing new, with the event being cancelled multiple times throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent cancellations parallel recent changes to industry events, such as the permanent cancellation of E3. Blizzard is not alone in making announcements within other events; many other game companies have been recently shuffling around where their announcements come from too. Do you hope for more specialized events in the future? Let us know in the comments.


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