Sega Admits Sonic’s Recent Failings

Developers will look to classic titles for inspiration.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 10/27/2015 19:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

At this point, there really isn’t much value in talking about how far Sonic the Hedgehog has fallen. The once iconic mascot for one of gaming’s biggest brands has been limited to a series that has only rarely achieved anything above mediocrity for the better part of the decade. However, when it’s the people behind the brand who are actually talking about it, then you should take notice.

“Sega has publicly apologized to the fans as the quality of console games in the Sonic franchise hasn’t been acceptable over recent years,” Jon Rooke, Sega’s European Marketing Director stated. “It’s been tough translating that iconic side scrolling 2D experience from the ’90s into 3D but Sonic is still huge for us so the new games will be more inspired by how it played in its heyday.”

While it’s nice to see the criticism come straight from the source, words mean little without action. The most recent console outing, Sonic Boom, definitely strayed far from the franchise’s mid-nineties zenith, so this comment is at least an indication that Sega might be looking in the right direction if tit wants to restore the foundation upon which its company was built.

Source: Nintendo Life

3 Responses to “Sega Admits Sonic’s Recent Failings”

  • 66 points
    haruhi4 says...

    i don’t want sega to come back to sonic 2d. Make a sonic adventure 3!!!! Sonic adventure, heroes and shadow the hedgehog had story, which the old sonic games didn’t have. Good story, story with impact… and lots of exploration and emblems… they should return to this stage of sonic instead

  • 1579 points
    penduin says...

    I thought Lost World did a great job of honoring Sonic’s 16-bit roots, as did Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. All of those games would have benefited from some extra polish, but to be fair, let’s not pretend those Genesis classics weren’t also somewhat glitchy. :^)

    I second haruhi4’s suggestion for a Sonic Adventure 3. I don’t care about the story part, but in terms of gameplay, I say there _are_ good 3D Sonics, and would love to see Sega build on what those got right.

  • 459 points
    Drew Ciccotelli says...

    Sega should hand the rights to Sonic over to GalaxyTrail and let them make the best Sonic the Hedgehog that has ever been made.

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