Japanese collectibles manufacturer Re-Ment is back with a new wave of its Pikmin terrarium series of figurines. The toys initially launched with the first wave last year and had a similiar aesthetic. However, wave two appears to be a bit more adventurous and whimsical than the first, with things like treats and even the affable Oatchi making an appearance.
【ピクミン テラリウムコレクション2】
今冬発売予定。全6種。1430円(税抜価格1300円)。#ピクミン #テラリウム pic.twitter.com/DO0FqNezJy— 株式会社リーメント公式 (@rement_official) July 21, 2024
Re-Ment made the announcement via its X account, showing off the six new figures that will be available later this year. Keep in mind, Re-Ment doesn’t typically sell in US stores; importers usually bring them in—and charge an arm and a leg for them. Still, they’ll eventually start showing up in the West, and when they do, many will likely be more than willing to spend the coin to add these beauties to their shelves.
Source: Re-Ment X Account