Seasons of Heaven Announced for Nintendo Switch

Early details and images shown off for this Unreal Engine 4 Switch exclusive.

By Jon Stevens. Posted 12/08/2016 19:00 1 Comment     ShareThis


AnyArts Productions, a French indie developer, today announced a new adventure game called Seasons of Heavens, which would be releasing exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

The game stars a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome and his French bulldog, and is based on a French novel which centers on a group of survivors in a post-civilization world. The game is built using the Unreal Engine 4 and looks gorgeous in the screenshots shown off so far:

While we are unlikely to see more about Seasons of Heavens or the Nintendo Switch before 2017, for now, you can catch a glimpse at the Switch running The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in action here.

Are you excited by Seasons of Heavens and the third party support shown off for the Switch so far? Let us know below in the comments.

Source: Eurogamer

One Response to “Seasons of Heaven Announced for Nintendo Switch”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    From just these screens, I don’t know whether to think more along the lines of Ico or Secret of Evermore. What a happy, happy place that sends my brain to.

    Also, the indie graphical gauntlet has been thrown down. Shin’en, your move! :^)

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