There aren’t a ton of practical apps on Nintendo Switch. Hulu is there and just recently YouTube was added, as well, but in general Switch is a gaming platform first and foremost. That said, with Christmas rapidly approaching, there are more than a few kids (and maybe adults?) wondering where Santa is on his route to every home on the planet. For these curious sky-gazers, there’s a handy solution that allows them to turn to their Switch as opposed to a phone or computer: the Santa Tracker app!
Santa Tracker, from Onteca, is a fascinating little application that does exactly what its name states and more. Keep an eye on Santa not just on Christmas Eve, but in the weeks until then, as well. There are Santa blog updates, news, and even sightings that the app will communicate up to the big day. Santa Tracker is available now in the eShop for the pittance of $2.99, so whether for yourself or a child, it might be worthy of a download if you’re looking to get into the Christmas spirit.
Source: Nintendo Life