The constant rumors about various Zelda remakes are generally hard to dispute; Nintendo has a long history of remastering and/or releasing many titles from the celebrated franchise and the rumor mill seems to constantly be churning. Most recently, plenty of focus has been on the Wii’s Skyward Sword, probably because many people would love to see the game’s unique art style remastered in HD and perhaps have its motion-centric controls re-imagined. Now, those rumors have received even more fuel.
At a recent Zelda concert in Osaka, Yuu Shimamura, the event’s host and Zelda voice actress in Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild, mentioned how the music made her want to revisit Skyward Sword and wish it were on Switch. Later on in the night, series producer Eiji Aonuma took the stage and when Yuu asked a question about Breath of the Wild, he replied, “are you sure you don’t want to ask about a Switch version of Skyward Sword?”
This, of course, sent the internet rumor mill spinning as people speculated if this was a simple, innocuous joke or a sly hint at things to come. Nothing can really be said for certain based on this brief remark, but fans are undoubtedly going to keep their ear to the ground just in case any other rumblings can be heard.
Source: Siliconera