Rumor: Mother 3 Translation Possibly on the Way?

Could the game finally make it to Western shores?

By Craig Harnett. Posted 02/04/2016 17:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

The Mother series is a bit of an oddball, to say the least. From its beginnings as a Japanese-only release in 1989 for Famicom, its 1994 sequel was given a Western release on SNES and renamed EarthBound. Critics in the US panned it at the time, only for the game to then develop a cult following. In 2006, Mother 3, the final game in the series, was released on Game Boy Advance, but again, only in Japan.

Over the years, however, dedicated fans have put pressure on Nintendo to have the series translated and made available worldwide. It was only last year that this persistence paid off, with EarthBound Beginnings (the original Mother for NES) having its well-deserved Western debut on Wii U.

With two games in the bag and one to go, surely it goes without saying that the excellent Mother 3 would see the light of day on US shores? Well, if today’s rumors are anything to go by, then we shouldn’t have to wait too long to find out.

Emily Rogers, a well-connected gaming journalist, recently posted comments on Twitter that suggested Mother 3 is apparently undergoing localization. Emily has proved herself to be a reliable source in the past, and logically, one would hope that this rumor is true, not only because it’s the last in the Mother series to have its Western release, but also that it’s the games tenth anniversary this year.

Since Emily’s little outburst, Nintendo Life contributor, Liam Robertson, also took to Twitter, pretty much confirming the rumor whilst also poking fun at Emily. Check out the tweet below:

So what do you think? Is Mother 3 finally inbound for its US release? Let us know in your comments.

Source: Nintendo Life

3 Responses to “Rumor: Mother 3 Translation Possibly on the Way?”

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    Bring it on!!

    I hope Emily Rogers is right about this rumor. Wasn’t it she who recently reported on a Paper Mario game coming soon to Wii U? I hope she’s correct on both counts.

  • 784 points
    Marc Deschamps says...

    I could see it. With NX likely not due until 2017, this seems like the perfect game to get fans excited, without a ton of development work to do. And it keeps the fanbase happy! If Nintendo is smart, they’ll put all three Earthbound titles on a disc, throw in an art book and have a nice little success on their hands.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Please let this happen. I’d be thrilled to finally have the completed trilogy.

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