Nintendo fans, we are most definitely in that media drought that precludes every E3. Following tradition, Nintendo has fallen silent, and is once again holding its cards close to its chest. A quiet Nintendo makes for a slow week of Nintendo news, so this week it was up to the third parties and rumor mills to fill our news. While none of these stories or bits of information are particularly groundbreaking, there may be some tasty morsels worth your time. E3 is closing in fast, and when it finally arrives, you can look to Nintendojo for all of your E3 news that has anything and everything to do with the big N. In the mean time, why not enjoy our weekly review?
In what has turned into a very interesting story, Infinity Ward won’t comment on Modern Warfare 3 on Wii. As of right now the game is expected to hit nearly every other platform besides Nintendo’s home console, despite the fact that each previous Call of Duty installment has made its way to Wii. However, if you are a fan of the Wii Call of Duty games, don’t give up just yet, as this is no confirmation that it won’t be coming. Infinity Ward has not come out and said that there won’t be a Wii version, so there is still hope. But at the same time, it’s important to consider whether it is worth it for Infinity Ward to bring COD43 to Wii. The Wii adaptations of Call of Duty games have vastly underperformed when compared to their PS3 and Xbox 360 counterparts in nearly every way. Infinity Ward and Activision probably figure that if a gamer has multiple consoles, they won’t be purchasing the game for Wii, which would be a safe assumption. Nevertheless, there are many Wii owners that enjoy their Call of Duty games, and it would be a shame if they were skipped this time around. Then again, could there be another reason for COD43 not being announced for Wii? There just might be. It hasn’t been announced for Wii, because it is going to be on Project Cafe instead. It’s a wild guess, but we’ll find out the truth at E3.
Since we’re on the subject of Project Cafe, how would you like a little more Virtual Console? While absolutely none of the following information has been confirmed, it seems very plausible. The Project Cafe Virtual Console rumor that made its way around the internets this week deals with transferring old Virtual Console games, along with what we can expect from some new ones. It turns out that some, though not all of your favorite VC games will be upgraded to HD, like how some of them are making the jump to 3D. That’s the good news. The bad news is that some will not make the journey since they weren’t made for widescreen, and that you’ll have to buy them again. But it’s not all bad! What about those 70+ Virtual Console games you already own? You’ll get to keep them! The rumor states that just as you’ll soon be able to transfer Dsi games to 3DS, you’ll be able to transfer your Virtual Console games over to Project Cafe. The rumor also states that Sega is already preparing to port its HD Genesis games from Xbox live Arcade to Nintendo’s new Virtual Console. It seems like a pretty sound theory to me, but again, we’ll have to wait till E3 to find out the truth.
Lastly it seems as though there is some super secret Zelda business going on, with multiple Zeldas. As mentioned above, Nintendo has been extremely quiet recently, thus we’ve had no news of Skyward Sword. There are even rumors floating around that the game will fall to a fate similar to Twilight Princess, and be a launch game for the new console. Let’s also not forget that it is Zelda’s 25th anniversary, and we have no idea what the heck Nintendo has planned. All we know is that it will be different than what they did with Mario’s. But the Zelda news doesn’t stop there! Robin William’s daughter, Zelda (yes, named after the game), has taken part in a top secret Nintendo shoot! But the question is for what? Is it related to Skyward Sword, the 25th anniversary, or something different like Project Cafe? Everyone has their guesses, but we shall find out soon enough.