Nightly News Roundup 2011.1.3

This week of Nintendo Downloads, and some more 3DS news to kick off the new year!

By Carter Fagan. Posted 01/04/2011 01:10 Comment on this     ShareThis

This Week in Downloadable Games

First, and foremost, I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and we’re looking forward to another great year (hopefully) filled with growth and great Nintendo games!

Let’s kick off 2011 with some downloadable games from the Shop Channel. This week, there are no new re-releases for Virtual Console, and we don’t expect to see anything exciting in that arena in the near term. However, WiiWare and DSiWare are booming with three titles each this week.

On WiiWare, we have a port of popular iOS game Sneezies (a puzzle game of sorts in which you set off chain reactions of sneezes) from Angry Birds publisher and recently EA-bought Chillingo, Ghost Mania (a puzzler about 2 “ghost guardians” who let a bunch of ghosts loose and must solve puzzles in order to get them back), and a demo of the already-released Robox. How long until WiiWare demos become standard and not notable enough for Nintendo to include on their list?

On DSiWare, we have Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology (a collection of three games from indie game designer Jason Rohrer), Word Searcher 2 (a collection of over 100 word search puzzles, filled with “fun” words from multiple categories), and Music on: Drums (a mini digital audio workstation for DSi, no typo on the colon in the title either (in fact, I’ve noticed a lot of DSiWare titles use colons in their titles)). Anyway, here’s the quick list, as always:


  • Sneezies (500 points)
  • Ghost Mania (500 points)
  • Robox demo (0 points)


  • Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology (500 points)
  • Word Searcher 2 (500 points)
  • Music on: Drums (500 points)

Source: Nintendo

Nintendo Doesn’t Want Your Toddler to Play 3DS

Reggie Fils-Aime already advised that young children “around 7 and under” not use the 3D feature on Nintendo’s 3DS in an interview with Kotaku during last year’s E3, and this caveat has become an official warning from Nintendo, released less than a week ago. It’s not unlike what Reggie said six months ago, except the minimum age is now 6. According to the warning, which will presumably be seen on the system’s box (or maybe even the console itself), children age six and under’s eyesight six is still in the developmental stage and 3D images could have a potential impact on the growth of the children’s eyes.

When the console releases in the states later this winter, it will come with a parental control option, barring children from playing games in 3D with a parental code. Luckily, most 3DS games will be playable without stereoscopic 3D (via the 3D volume adjuster), except for games designed specifically for the 3D features of the console.

Source: Nintendo of Japan (information translated to English from Japanese using Google Translate)

Nintendo 3DS Leaked Photos

Are you surprised? Yep, someone stole a 3DS from a Chinese assembly line and posted pictures on the internet for everyone to see! We’ve done you a favor by posting them right here in this fancy gallery! And unlike most leakers, these photos don’t look like they’re taken on a cell phone camera circa-2004 by someone on Adderall! In fact, just consider these as some more high quality shots of Nintendo’s newest handheld, albeit the sketchy source.

Some video, too:

Source: TGBus Forums

Nintendojo does not advocate theft of unreleased technology, nor broadcasting unauthorized photos of said technology on the World Wide Web. Also, there has been no confirmation by Nintendo regarding the legitimacy of these photos. We’ll keep you updated on the situation, though.

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