Nightly News Roundup: 2011.04.13

A meaty port possible, rumors of a Wii price drop, and new details about Ocarina of Time 3DS emerge in tonight’s Nightly News Roundup.

By Matthew Tidman. Posted 04/13/2011 23:59 Comment on this     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Meat Boy Might Come to 3DS

Wii owners who are fans of extremely hard platforming games were definitely looking forward to Team Meat’s release of Super Meat Boy on Wii last year… until it was revealed that because of size limitations Super Meat Boy wouldn’t be making a WiiWare showing. Some hope was offered that the game might get a full retail release, but the silence that followed dashed all hopes that the Nintendo-faithful would ever get to play as the lovable ball of meat on a Nintendo platform. But Super Meat Boy may be getting another chance thanks to 3DS. In a recent interview Team Meat seemed to be open to the idea of trying to port Super Meat Boy to the new portable. “It would be nice to see what’s up with Sony, with 3DS,” Game Designer Edmund McMillen said. “If we release something that works on three of four systems and it doesn’t kill us to do it, we’d like to release as much as possible.” Please note, this is not confirmation that the game will be coming to 3DS either through eShop or retail release, but it’s nice to hear that the developer is at least open to porting the game.

Source: gamrFeed

Rumor: Nintendo Cutting Wii’s Price

Definitely not confirmed, but engadget is reporting that Wii will receive a price cut May 15 to $150. Adding a bit more credibility to the rumor,  a leaked Kmart price sheet was shared with GoNintendo that showed Wii getting a clearance price of $150. This would be an unusual move for Nintendo as generally a price cut of this nature would be an E3 announcement. Some industry analysts are speculating that this price cut could mean that Nintendo is planning on revealing its next home console at E3, while others think this is just a response to stagnant Wii sales in the US. Either way, we’ll be sure to let you know if and when a price cut is confirmed for Wii.

Source: engadget, GoNintendo

New Ocarina of Time in 3D Details Emerge

A number of gaming outlets have been able to get their hands on a preview build of the remake of Ocarina of Time, and they’ve been able to share some of the new features of the game. The first good news is that the framerate of the game has been bumped up to a consistent 30 frames per second. The previewer at GameXplain did notice some slight slowdown at times, but he felt this was something that would be smoothed out before the game released. That previewer also was impressed by the new visual presentation of the game saying it was much more like the promotional art for the game than when the N64 version released. In particular the previewer mentioned Hyrule Town, Lake Hylia, Kakariko Villiage, and Hyrule Field all getting major upgrades visually. It seems like the world is fully rendered in polygons this time without having to resort to 2D background objects, something the previewer says is used to great effect with the system’s stereoscopic 3D.

In an interview with Destructoid, NOA Director of Product Marketing Bill Trinen said that this facelift was done to “make the characters and the models in the game look much closer to the illustrations that they released in the manual and things like that at the time.” It seems that they have succeeded if the previewers’ impressions are anything to go by.

The last bit of news comes from a previewer at 1-Up who says that Street Pass won’t be featured in the game at all. No famous sages trading cards or epic skultula battles as you pass other people playing the game, unfortunately. But with the various new features, including being able to use the gyroscopes in the system to aim the slingshot, it looks like there will be plenty there to satisfy old and new fans alike.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS is set to release June 19 of this year. You can bet we’ll have a review of the game up after it’s been released.

Source: GameXplain, Destructoid, 1-Up

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