Sony’s Jack Tretton Baits Nintendo Fan Boys
Some time has passed since a Sony executive has mocked or critiqued Nintendo in the press, but Sony PlayStation CEO Jack Tretton has decided to fall back into form with some fan boy-baiting insults of Nintendo’s hardware strategy– all in an attempt to emphasize how fantastic PS3 and NGP are, of course.
While discussing 360 and Wii in comparison to Sony’s offerings in a Fortune interview, Tretton said, “[Nintendo and Microsoft are] starting to run out of steam now in terms of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond.
“I mean, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I’m doing true accurate motion gaming?” Tretton challenged.
Tretton wasn’t done, there, though. He had some bon mots against DS and 3DS as well, which he derisively labeled “the ‘Game Boy experience'” in the following statement: “Our view of the ‘Game Boy experience’ is that it’s a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those. He’s too old for that.”
To justify his bullish attitude on the superiority of Sony hardware, Tretton said, “If you’re really going to sustain technology for a decade, you have to be cutting edge when you launch a platform. Here we are 4 years into the PlayStation 3, and it’s just hitting its stride. We’ll enjoy a long downhill roll behind it because the technology that was so cutting edge in 2006 is extremely relevant today and is conspicuously absent in our competition.”
He also made a point that 3D HD gaming is fantastic to people once they try it, and that NGP will be exciting thanks to the extensive research Sony conducted in determining which technology to include in the new handheld. There are plenty of ways to respond or react to Tretton’s statements, but I wouldn’t want to steal your thunder. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Fortune
Nintendo’s Stock Price Down; 3DS Outsold by PSP
AndriaSang has translated a financial report from investment services company Fisco, and what the report highlights– namely, concerns over Nintendo’s business performance– isn’t encouraging for Nintendo in Japan. As of today, Nintendo’s stock price has dropped for four straight days. Further, for the first week since 3DS’s Japan launch, 3DS was no longer at the top of Japan’s video game hardware sales: instead, PSP was. Since releasing on February 26, the system has sold 836,000 units, but that number is a bit less than the 1.5 million units Nintendo promised to ship (and presumably sell) within the territory.
Sony has got our number this week!
Some of this can be chalked up to the disruption the earthquake and tsunami has caused for the island nation– indeed several games that have as yet not released in Japan have been delayed because of the environmental disaster. Nevertheless, the unexpectedly cooling reception to the readily available hardware has some analysts and fan boys alike second guessing 3DS’s appeal and long term potential.
Source: AndriaSang
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Stalled in Japan; Layton vs. Wright Localization Still Unknown
In a recent Ask Capcom interview with Christian Svensson, Capcom’s VP of strategic planning and business development, Ace Attorney Investigations 2 was confirmed as not coming to the U.S. and the 3DS Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright cross-over may not come, either. While Svensson outright said the Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 title wasn’t coming, he hedged on whether the cross-over would arrive, citing that Level 5 is the main developer of the game and therefore in charge of where it will get released. Svensson said many at Capcom wanted the game to see international release, but Level 5 would have to make that decision and likely work with Nintendo for distribution since Nintendo has handled publishing duties on the preceding Level 5 Layton games.
Translation: “Mmmmmmmmmmm… Not seeing the U.S. in your future, Edgey! *BONK!*”
Perhaps we’re spoiled but the lack of Investigations 2 is surprising– if its predecessor came out here, and even the less fondly appreciated (by some, not me!) Apollo Justice made it out, why not Investigations 2? Regardless, the Layton/Wright cross-over does seem to have more potential to see international release even if Capcom’s not in charge of it since the Layton games have been especially popular in western territories, sales-wise.
Source: Ask Capcom Webcast
God, I’ve missed Tretton! He’s a hoot! I mean, “3D gaming,” “cutting edge technology [from] 2006 (motion capture),” it’s like he was wanting to do an interview just for this week’s theme!
I think Nintendo would see a similar backlash over the absence of Phoenix Wright vs. Professsor Layton as it did with Animal Crossing on GameCube. Both these characters are very popular and if it doesn’t see a release over here, I will be the first to be sending a strongly worded email! :P
Well, Capcom’s certainly getting a strongly worded email from me about Edgey’s absence. How dare they!
That’s sad news indeed that Edgey won’t be getting an encore performance in the US. Of course, I have yet to play Apollo Justice and Ace Attorney Investigations– despite owning both. :P