Bit. Trip Flux Releases on February 28
CommanderVideo soon sings his swansong, as February 28 (25 in Europe) marks Gaijin Games’ release of the final chapter in the Bit. Trip series– Bit. Trip Flux.
Company founder Alex Neuse intimated in his press release that this last leg in the series is meant to be experienced to the full in a single sitting. Indeed, “there is no Game Over.” Thankfully, the game is difficult (as would be expected), but is toned down compared to previous entries; this allows more people to enjoy it to the greatest extent possible. For those who want to be challenged to the breaking point, there’s a new “Meta Mode” to achieve. You can be sure that remaining in that state will be “quite a feat.”
The first three Bit. Trip games went for 600 Wii points, whereas the last two have been priced at 800. Those who have enjoyed the transcendental and oftentimes masochistic games on WiiWare would say yes to Bit. Trip Flux without a second thought, even for just one last session. Others might need more convincing.
Source: Joystiq
Nintendo 3DS Cases Are Eco-friendly
This evening, we have a glimpse of the innards of a 3DS game case. Notice that both sides are perforated, saving plastic and decreasing weight.
Hopefully Nintendo’s act of going green doesn’t somehow damage our precious instruction books. Those need to stay pristine forever, of course.
Source: Siliconera
Spanish Nintendo Hacker Gets Arrested
BBC News reports that police in Spain have arrested a man who managed to get his hands on information contained in some 4,000 Nintendo accounts. His intention was to inform the country’s data protection agency. When Nintendo didn’t respond, the Spaniard started to post some information online.
But according to an update, it wasn’t directly from Nintendo’s Wii or DS database that he got his info. Joystiq says that the data came from a website pertaining to 3DS preview events. On an ElOrtoLado forum, a user by the moniker adan_gecko explains how he found a security weakness, which allowed any user to effortlessly access this website as an administrator, thereby having admission to peoples’ user profiles. Those profiles had dates of birth, DNI (Spain national identity card) numbers, postal codes, telephone numbers, and other important information. Some of those users could have been children, as ages 16 and up were able to register.
Nintendo is claiming that it has been the victim of a hacker; however, this was a blatant security flaw that could have been found by any number of people. We’ll see how events unfold.
(Many of these links are in Spanish, so a translating tool is recommended.)
Bit Trip Flux? Hmmm I haven’t really heard of it that much to be honest. 3DS case looks different, but I kinda like it to be honest. And about the spanish hacker, serves him right to be arrested…