Nightly News Roundup: 2011.02.10

Cave Story gets another dimension, reviewers really liked Nintendo last year, and a limited edition gets a little less limited.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 02/10/2011 22:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Cave Story coming to 3DS

Freeware masterpiece Cave Story jumped into the world of profitability when it was ported for WiiWare and DSiWare, and now its third release on Nintendo hardware will be three dimensional. Nippon Ichi, best know for the complex and hilarious Disgaea series, will be publishing Cave Story 3D in North America sometime this summer.

The game will feature the same gameplay and basic level design as the original and its monetized remakes, but the visuals have been completely redone with polygons to give the game a more modern look in drastic contrast to the purposefully retro styling of the original. New content has also been promised though no further details were provided.

Get ready for some more Cave Story, d00d!

Source: NIS America

Nintendo Second Best Reviewed Publisher of 2010

Metacritic whipped out their calculators and averaged out all the reviews for every game released last year to find out which companies consistently delivered the best products. Take-Two took the top spot with an average score of 77.1% while Nintendo was close behind with 76.1%. However, Nintendo did outdo the competition in several areas; it had the highest percentage of games with review scores over 75% and it also had 2010’s best reviewed game, Super Mario Galaxy 2, which pulled an average score of 97%.

Capcom, Microsoft and EA rounded out the top five among major publishers while Telltale Games finished atop the pile of minor publishers (less than 15 games released).

Yoshi deserves all the credit, obviously!

Source: Metacritic

Super Mario All-Stars is Coming Back for Seconds

Late last year, Nintendo took an old Super Nintendo game, put it on a Wii disc, threw in an art book, slapped “Limited Edition” on the title and sat back as the world quickly emptied game store shelves. Apparently plenty of people still want it because it looks like Nintendo is doing another printing.

A couple readers let the fine folks at Go Nintendo know that their local GameStops had added Mario All-Stars to their list of available pre-orders with a release date of March 13. We trust our fellow Nintendo fan site, but would also love it if our intrepid readers could provide similar confirmation should they get to a GameStop before us.

Source: GoNintendo

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