First-Party 3DS Launch Titles Revealed?
Speaking with MTV, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime has come as close as anyone to finally announcing what Nintendo titles you can expect to pick up with your shiny new 3DS. Sadly he has not actually stated that the games will be out day one, instead falling into the same old PR-speak of “Launch Window” titles, which runs from launch day until E3. That said, Fils-Aime has stated that Pilotwings: Resort, Nintendogs + Cats, and Steel Diver will make it out during the launch of 3DS. Sadly Reggie has also confirmed that Ocarina of Time and any new Mario titles, while in development, will not come out until “after E3.” When asked what games hardcore 3DS owners can look forward to at launch, Reggie said, “I would say Super Street Fighter 4, I would say Dead or Alive, I would say Madden and I would say, yes, the three first-party launch games that we have, as well.”
Source: MTV Multiplayer Blog
Rolling Along With This Week’s DLC
Good news everyone! Seven new titles and two WiiWare demos have been added to Nintendo’s download service. If you’re looking for an action-packed roller derby then Jam City Rollergirls has burst onto the scene with its real-life stars and teams from the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. Of course, if you’re not into roller derbys, you can always experience the arcade classics 1942 and Black Tiger, both from Capcom. DSi owners can choose to direct air traffic, stop a meteor apocalypse, dig some holes or play Texas Hold’em poker. To see descriptions and prices for all these titles, be sure to follow the link below.
Source: Nintendo
WARNING: You Can’t Think For Yourself
It seems like every time we turn around another family group or politician is trying to add even more regulations to games. The latest example? Congressman Joe Baca (D-Rialto, CA) has introduced a bill to the senate that would create a new rule within the Consumer Product Safety Commission requiring all games rated Teen or higher to have the following label added to their packaging: “WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.” What the bill does not require is for the parent who probably ignores a similar warning when purchasing cigarettes and/or alcohol to actually know anything about the games they are buying for their kids, other than they might lead to aggressive behavior.
Of course, this is a bi-partisan effort with the bill being co-signed by Representative Frank Wolf (R) of Virginia. You know, it would be nice if there was a private agency that investigated the content of these games and utilized a helpful ratings system that parents could see when purchasing a game. You know, something that warned if there was excessive violence or sexual content in that clearly dangerous piece of software. If there were, wouldn’t it make this bill seem like a waste of time and money. Oh well, people are too stupid to pay attention to anything other than a flashing neon sign warning them of the danger. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go cry bitter tears of rage and disappointment.
Source: Game Politics