Nightly News Roundup, 2010.09.24

Get a sneak peek at an augmented reality game on DSi, get all of Shantae in one swipe, and a new version of Wii’s remote is rumored.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 09/24/2010 22:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Hunt Spirits in the Real World with DSi

Australian developer Nnooo, best known for WiiWare and DSiWare titles Pop and Pop Plus Solo, as well as productivity software myNotebook, myPostcards and myDiary on DSiWare, is about to get into entertainment software again. Spirit Hunters Inc. is an augmented reality DSiWare title that has gamers searching for, defending from and attacking mischievous spirits in the real world that are only visible using DSi’s camera. Gamers are rewarded experience points and new abilities after banishing enough spirits back to the spirit realm. The game will be released in two versions– Light and Shadow— within the next few months. Check out the game’s implementation of spirit AI and augmented reality via the developer diary video below.

Source: Nnooo

WayForward’s Shantae Sequel Due Soon in One Bundle

Well-reviewed and fanboy favorite GBA title Shantae will finally get its sequel, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge, on DSiWare next week. Aside from an October 4, 2010 release date, the other big news from developer WayForward (Batman: The Brave and the Bold, A Boy and His Blob (Wii))  is that the title, once planned to be released in bite-sized episodes, will instead be released as one big bundle of half-genie love. Shantae, the eponymous half-genie, is out to foil lady pirate Risky Boots in an action platformer that includes hair whipping attacks, belly dancing and transforming into magical beasts.

The title will sell for 1200 DSi points– a higher price accounted for by the all-in-one bundle.

Source: Wayforward

Rumor: Wii Remote with Built-In MotionPlus Bundled with FlingSmash?

Box Art: FlingSmash MotionPlus BundleNintendoLife claims to have spied a new version of Wii’s remote– one with MotionPlus built-in– being bundled with Nintendo’s upcoming FlingSmash on GameStop’s website. The image to the right shows the boxart that was posted on the product’s GameStop page before it was pulled down. The bundle was priced at US$50.

Integrating MotionPlus into Wii’s remote is a great idea, if a little late in Wii’s life cycle to be more than a temporary stopgap to the flood of attention Sony’s Move and Microsoft’s Kinect will receive in holiday marketing. Yet bundling this upgrade with FlingSmash– a title that didn’t excite any of us Nintendojo folks at E3 this year– is a bit more curious. Nintendo of America has issued a plain “no comment” when queried about this by

Let us know in the comments if you’d be interested in getting this bundle more for the game or the MotionPlus-integrated remote.

Source: NintendoLife, Gamespot

One Response to “Nightly News Roundup, 2010.09.24”

  • 135 points
    juno2023 says...

    Watching videos for FlingSmash, I’m pumped about the game. If they had an option for the game with Wii MotionPlus for $30 or so, I would definitely jump on that, given that I already have 4 Wii Remotes. I may have to bite on this one though– I’m a nerd for tech, and a nerd for games that involve throwing stuff.

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