WiiWare not getting Mega Man Universe because of file size issues
According to Capcom, the only reason there’s not Mega Man Universe for Wii is the fact that i’d be too big to be a WiiWare downloadable title. Still, they’d like to support a Wii version, just not now. Other than downgrading the (currently not so awesome looking) graphics in the game, they could also release a retail version of Mega Man Universe, exclusively for Wii. Only time will tell, hopefully we’ll see this game in one form on another on Wii.
Source: GoNintendo
Super Mario All-Stars Wii remake confirmed for Japan
A Super Mario All-Stars remake for Wii titled Super Mario Collection Special Pack was confirmed for Japanese release. It will feature the exact same graphics and games, but it’ll include a booklet containing 25 years of Super Mario history, and a soundtrack with music from Super Mario Bros. to Super Mario Galaxy 2. It will be a limited release, much like The Legend of Zelda Collector’s Edition for GameCube.
Source: Andriasang
Nintendo 3DS gathers more interest than Kinect and Move
A survey of over 1,000 readers shows really high interest for Nintendo’s recently announced 3D handheld. According to the survey, more people are interested in 3DS than other items like Kinect, Move, PS3 slim and even iPad. So not only the 3DS is receiving a lot of love from the developers, but also from the gamers.
Source: Game Informer
Well we better be getting the “Mario Collection SP” over here! And while they’re at it, throw in Mario 64 and Sunshine; there’s plenty of room on a Wii disc. Can’t wait for the soundtrack!
P.S. 3DS ALREADY beating out Apple! No one wants Kinect’s “Pet the tiger” but the iPad!!!! HA! When Iwata said they were taking on Apple, he wasn’t kidding! After all that bull Jobs was talking last week about his “gaming machines”, his apocalypse is already drawing near! 2011…duh duh duuuun!