Nightly News Roundup, 2010.07.21

Zelda master timeline, EA games on Nintendo consoles and more Conduit 2 details.

By Greg Wampler. Posted 07/21/2010 19:43 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Master Timeline Exists for Zelda Series

Apparently, Mr. Aonuma of Zelda fame, was interviewed and gave way to an idea that has been speculated for a very long time by Zelda fans. This idea is that there is a timeline, actually a master timeline, to the Zelda series. The following is the quote from the magazine:

“Yes there is a master timeline but its a confidential document! The only people to have access to that document are myself, Mr. Miyamoto and the director of the title. We cant share it with anyone else! I have already talked to Mr. Miyamoto about this so I am comfortable in releasing this information – this title [Skyward Sword] takes place before Ocarina of Time. if I said that a certain title was ‘the first Zelda game’, then that means that we cant ever make a title that takes place before that! So for us to add titles to the series, we have to have a way of putting the titles before or after each other.”

Sounds great. Now, how do we get our hands on that document?

Source: Go Nintendo

EA Games Announced for Wii, DS, DSiWare and 3DS

EA held a conference to announce new games for Nintendo consoles. A new Need for Speed for DSiWare, Need for Speed Nitro X for DS and Wii and finally Madden 11 for 3DS were all announced. Madden in 3D on the go? Sign me up!

Source: Pure Nintendo

More Conduit 2 Information

More Conduit 2 information has been released. The following is a list of new and old information for your liking.


  • HVS.45 prototype pistol now available in multiplayer
  • ACR-Eclipse (allows you to go invisible, unlimited ammo, overheats)
  • Iron sights on mp5 and pistol
  • Turrets (auto and player control)
  • Redesigned Spas 12
  • Redesigned Scar
  • Redesigned TPC
  • Grenades leave red trail
  • Bullets leave yellow trail
  • Grenade space lowered
  • Phase rifle (allows you to look through wall and is radiation-powered)
  • Vortex cannon renamed to Aegis Device
  • TPC launcher canister bounce
  • TPC alt fire: promixity mines
  • Hive cannon alt fire: Honey Glob
  • Same crosshair for each weapon
  • Stronger weapons take up more weapon slots
  • 2-3 grenade types


  • Possible 15 stages with possible DLC
  • Two stages shown at E3: Lost City of Z, and a possible European city
  • Environmental hazards (e.g. spaceship afterburners)
  • Interactive ladders
  • Stages no longer mirrored
  • More live environments
  • Sniping spots (e.g. high ground spots)
  • New alien encryption
  • Developments within Lost City of Z map

Online modes

  • 96 friends, 96 rivals
  • Voice chat with rivals and friends
  • When rival added, it sends them a pop-up invite
  • Downloadable patches
  • Party system unlikely
  • Deeper character customization
  • Match voting system changed
  • 12 players online
  • Single player and multiplayer profile is merged
  • Username bumped up to 12 characters
  • Username cannot be changed – permanent
  • Pick up coins in invasion mode
  • Invasion mode can be played single player
  • 4 player online or offline for invasion mode
  • No bots in single player invasion
  • Hardcore modes


  • Music is darker
  • Diego Stocco character is not returning
  • 2 new character models (possible new species)
  • Four bosses
  • NPCs present
  • AI communicate with one another
  • Interactive objects in environment (e.g. knocking over tables for cover)
  • AI can hold random weapons
  • AI behaviour varies depending on the weapon (e.g. enemies with shotgun will come up close. Enemies with a sniper rifle will stay in the back)
  • Redesigned lock-on
  • In-game weapon load out customization
  • 3-4 perk types(e.g. Modern Warfare)
  • Possible 15 maps (More with DLC)
  • Working closely with Nintendo to offer DLC
  • Voice chat with rivals and friends (similar to Metriod Prime Hunters system)

Source: Pure Nintendo

One Response to “Nightly News Roundup, 2010.07.21”

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    lol, I love zelda, I really do, but up until wind waker I do not believe there really was ever a timeline for zelda games. I never minded that, I took it with a final fantasy stride. Every link was a new link in a new world. His name being link even helped that notion

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