3DS launch “Worst-Case Scenario?”
Nintendo’s launch date and price point for 3DS is a “worst-case scenario,” according to Jay Defibaught, equities research director at MF Global FXA Securities in Tokyo. Defibaught says he had hoped for an earlier 3DS launch, a lower price — hopefully under 20,000 yen, and a possible 3G network connection, which would enable it to be more competitive with products like the iPhone.
Source: Industry Gamers
Iwata: E3 Played A Part In 3DS Price
Satoru Iwata ‘fessed up today: Reactions from attendees at this year’s E3 show floor influenced the pricing of the 3DS system. So, while yours truly is completely innocent, no doubt some other, less poker-faced staff members who attended this year’s trade show are directly responsible for the “inflated” price of the world’s most groundbreaking handheld game system.
Source: Andria-Sang

Goldeneye: New Control Scheme?
Wanna play Goldeneye without pointing? You can now. Eurocom started working on the unusual scheme, which features strafing with the A button. The scheme seems to emulate the N64 controls, but may also be attractive to unaccomplished players. Don’t forget that the new Goldeneye comes out on November 2!
Source: Nintendo World Report

Final Fantasy VII On 3DS?
Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy Agito XIII and Parasite Eve: The 3rd Birthday says he’s interested in doing a remake of mobile phone game Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for 3DS. Before Crisis, a Japan-only action RPG featuring the Turks from Final Fantasy VII, has never yet been released in English, so a Western version is long overdue. Plus, 96.8% of all gamers believe Final Fantasy VII, and therefore, anything related, is the most fantastic thing EVER, so having a title related to such would be big score for Nintendo.
Source: Andria-Sang