The original cast of the Pokémon anime is still considered by many to be the definitive voices of the series’ beloved characters. Among their ranks was Rachael Lillis, who voiced the characters Misty and Jessie on the show. Sadly, it was announced today on social media that Rachael has passwed away at the age of 46.
We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played. She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills. #RachaelLillis
— Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024
The news was shared by fellow Pokémon anime alumni Veronica Taylor, the former voice of Ash Ketchum. Rachael was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and sadly succumbed to the disease. A memorial is planned for Rachael at a later date, but in the meantime we join the millions of Pokémon fans across the world in mourning her. Our thoughts are with Rachael’s family and friends at this time.
Source: Veronica Taylor X Account