Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl released for Nintendo Switch a handful of months ago, but players just got access to a new update to the games.
The mythical Pokémon Shaymin is making its debut in both titles, and players will have the chance to capture it by getting hold of Oak’s Letter. Here’s a bit more about getting Shaymin straight from the folks at The Pokémon Company:
Once a Trainer receives Oak’s Letter, they can talk to Professor Oak on Route 224. He will then ask for their cooperation regarding a stone tablet like one found in the Kanto region. As the Trainer assists Professor Oak, the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin will appear. Trainers can follow it and try to add it to their team. Shaymin is the Gratitude Pokémon and is able to change into its Sky Forme using the Gracidea item.
This item is available now via Mystery Gift, and will be available through March 27.