Pokémon Go Has Made $470 Million Since Launch

That’s a whole lot of PokéCoins!

By Jon Stevens. Posted 09/30/2016 15:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


A report released by mobile intelligence group Newzoo has revealed that in the first 82 days that Pokémon Go had been out in the wild, it has made a total of $470 million.

Peter Warman, chief executive of Newzoo, explained how “Pokémon Go has opened our eyes in many ways [and] has proven beyond a doubt that AR can be applied in ways that appeal to a mass audience.”

During the height of the game’s popularity, Pokémon Go apparently made around $14 million per day. It has since gone down to a respectable $2 million a day, and continues to see around 700,000 downloads a day. Interestingly, Newzoo claims that around 20 million of the game’s players are new mobile gamers, although it doesn’t specify whether these players are traditional console gamers or otherwise.

pokemon go

Old fans of the Pokémon series were also seemingly enticed back by the mobile game, as the percentage of players in the 16-25 age bracket have been considerably higher for this compared to the average age of players for the franchise as a whole.

Are you still playing Pokémon Go or is your attention now firmly on Pokémon Sun and Moon? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Venturebeat

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