Pokémon: Detective Pikachu has been an immense curiosity since the film was announced. The game was a surprise success on 3DS, providing fans with a whole new way of enjoying Pocket Monsters that was very fun to play. The movie is set to star Ryan Reynolds as the nominal gumshoes, but not a whole lot has been known beyond that.
During the Pokémon World Championship in Nashville, Tennessee, some new details were dropped alongside the film’s logo:
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu is being touted as the first live-action ‘Mon film to ever hit the silver screen. It’s set to drop on May 10, 2019 and will apparently boast an epic battle between Pikachu and Charizard. The game by the same name offered some fun insights into the world of Pokémon and how the creatures and humans interact, so it will be interesting to see which elements of the 3DS title work their way into the film. Will you be watching this when it drops? Share with us in the comments and on social media!
Source: The Pokémon Company