Owners of physical copies of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn are in for a special treat: a free, add-on bonus game called Barack Fu: The Adventures of Dirty Barry.
The game stars a parody of former U.S. President Barack Obama as he investigates who has been killing celebrities and getting away with it. Barry can take down his foes with a variety of guns, including a rail gun, shotgun and machine gun, or use his bare fists to get answers from the punks standing in his way.
Players will be able to enter Dirty Barry mode and rack up kill-streaks using grenades and an assault rifle, and by stringing together power moves like the Barack n’ Rolla and South Side Smash which make for deadly combos. Check out the game in action below:
Of course, for anyone who doesn’t pick up a physical version of the game, this will be available to purchase as DLC at a later date.
Did you pick up a copy of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn? Will you be downloading Barack Fu: The Adventures of Dirty Barry?
Source: Nintendo Everything