Outlast Now Available on Switch

Sequel should be following soon.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 02/27/2018 18:45 Comment on this     ShareThis

Horror games have been experiencing something of a renaissance recently as both indie developers and major studios have been rediscovering what makes the genre so compelling. One of the pioneering titles in the trend is Outlast, a first-person survival horror game developed by Red Barrels about a defenseless journalist investigating a creepy asylum overrun with insane, murderous monstrosities. And, while we knew the game would be coming to Switch sooner or later, the Outlast: Bundle of Terror surprisingly showed up today on eShop in both Europe and North America.

In addition to the main game, this version also includes its DLC, Whistleblower, which acts as a prequel to the original story. The whole package retails for $19.99.

Outlast II has also been confirmed for Switch, with a release date of March 27.

Source: Nintendo Everything


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