Oddworld Wii U Development in “Final Steps”

Delays not enough to hold back Abe and company.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 01/19/2016 18:30 1 Comment     ShareThis

Many Nintendo gamers are no doubt excited for Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty!, especially after it was released to almost every system imaginable over the last two years to good reviews. Thankfully, the remake of the quirky yet classic Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey hasn’t abandoned Wii U, it just needed a little more time.

One Twitter user was apparently curious to know what was going on with the game and went straight to the source, Oddworld Inc. The developers responded back with a Tweet of their own stating, “We’re literally in the final steps. Not long.” While the precise, scientific meaning of “final steps” and “not long” are up for debate, this is no doubt fantastic news for gamers wanting to play the much improved puzzle-platformer on Wii U.

Interestingly enough, one of the reasons for the delay was the developers’ efforts to shrink the file size so that owners of the basic, 8GB Wii U model would be able to download it too. Hopefully all that extra effort will pay off.

Source: Nintendo Life

One Response to “Oddworld Wii U Development in “Final Steps””

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    Whew! I was starting to fear this was vapor. Here’s hoping Stranger’s Wrath is still on the way too. I’ve actually never played either in any form, though the style and dark humor are right up my alley. I’ll be grabbing them on Wii U for sure.

    Specifically, I’ll be putting them on the hard disk attached to my 32GB Wii U, as I suspect is the case with most people who download games, but kudos to the developers for being extra-accommodating.

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